Monday, December 3, 2012


Creation. This is a word that evokes many thoughts, feelings, and even fears. Creation involves something new, original, authentic, or unexpected. Depending on the artist, it can be intimidating, or if the truth be known, frightening, to be confronted with a blank white canvas. Some artists have to sketch everything out and have a specific plan of what the outcome will be. Other artists will embrace the unexpected, and start laying in paint and let what happens determine the outcome.

We who are Believers are new creations. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, the apostle Paul wrote “…if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.” Indeed, how wonderful it is to be that new creation! But, even with the best of intentions, we sometimes fall into what I will call “a place of sameness”. That sameness may be a place of complacency, or reach all the way to wanting the sameness of that sweet place we find when we worship or pray. Either place can be deadly. We are creatures of habit. We resist change. We all are susceptible to spiritual inertia. Change can be frightening. It usually includes the unexpected, and often, some degree of risk. It makes us uncomfortable to not be in control of the outcome. We may even say, “Use me God,” but what we really are meaning inside is, “Use me God, but only as long as it doesn’t it doesn’t involve anything radical, risky or uncomfortable.” But, when we try to control the outcome with God, we limit Him and what He desires to do in our lives and with our lives.

Imagine what it would be like if we asked the Great Creator to create something new, something unexpected, in us today? What would happen if when we approached God , and as wonderful as His presence has been felt each time we have approached Him before, we asked Him to create something new and unexpected this today? What would happen if we did that every day? How much richer would our lives be? How much more would the unsaved see Jesus through the body of Christ if we asked God to create something new in us - every day?


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