Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New Art Series: Broken & Redeemed

These works “speak” of

Objects and materials, unexpectedly transformed from
Ordinary, discarded, broken, unusable, into
Remarkable, precious and redeemed.
These works “speak” about me -
Ordinary, discarded, broken, unuseful,
And the utterly unexpected transformation
To remarkable, precious and redeemed;
Not by anything I did or ever can do,
But purely by the grace of God
Through Jesus Christ.
How we interact or relate with art like this tells us a lot about how we interact and relate with people, and even our God.
How we view art like this tells us a lot about how we view ourselves in relation to others.
Do we automatically dismiss and not respect art that looks like this just because we don’t like how it looks, or because it doesn’t meet our expectations?
Do we look down on others because they are different from us, or do we have a hidden feeling that somehow we are “better” because we are Christians and don’t act like they act?
Do we look disapprovingly at what form others worship make take because it is different from ours?
Do we dismiss others at first glance just because they don’t meet our criterion for what we want to see in someone else?
What is our attitude towards others…toward God?
Do we dismiss and not hear God because his answers and direction don’t come in the form we think they should be in?
Is the “something” that we are missing in our life or our relationship with God, based in dismissing and not hearing God because we are trying to get others and God to act like we think they/He should?
“God chose what is low and despised in the world,
even things that are not,
to bring to nothing things that are,
so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.”

Lest we become unexpectedly ordinary and broken before God,

We cannot realize the unearned - the unearned - grace of God,
Through Jesus Christ,
And be transformed remarkable, precious and redeemed.
Facebook link for Prodigal Arts is:

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